Monday, 25 April 2016

Five Steps to Make the Most of Micro-interaction Design Trend 2016

Interaction-focused interfaces, a major trend in web design 2016 helps deliver a more intuitive and rewarding user experience across web and mobile apps. 
So what are Microinteractions?
The Facebook like button, Microsoft’s Start button, Hamburger Menu, instances when you tap to mute your phone, set a status message, indicator that informs how much time is left while reading Medium or an eBook on Kindle, or when you rate an app are all examples of microinteractions. From websites, mobile apps to the latest new craze of wearable like Samsung Gear, Apple watch and fitness trackers, micro-interactions are the current flavor of the season.

Success with Microinteractions:
The secret of success with microinteractions lies both in the design and in the performance.As the name suggest, microinteractions is any task based engagement with a device. These brief and effortless interaction focused interfaces that make the life of a user easier. However they offer tremendous mileage in taking the user engagement to the next level. They make the website experience more entertaining, engaging and intuitive.Designed to work in a variety of environments that neither acts as an obstruction nor demands detailed explanation, the importance of microinteractions cannot be over-emphasized.In his recent book ‘Microinteractions – Designing with Details’, the author Dan Saffer reveals that microinteractions follow a four-step process

Source: Microinteractions - Designing with Details
Do you too want to make the most of this reigning web design trend of microinteractions? Here are 5 steps to use microinteractions help make UI more human and deliver a rewarding UI:


Simplicity – Keep it Simple Stupid:
Less is more in microinteractions. In fact too much of features or functionality can be lethal and make it complex. Probably users may even refrain from using it. Remember the age-old adage - Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simple colors, simple designs and simple content together go a long way in achieving the result.
Fast Response Time:
Microinteractions are expected to be fast and effective so ensure that they offer a faster turnaround of action by being precise. Delay in execution or a sluggish speed is likely to annoy users.
Handle with Care:
The small pieces of functionality that make up microinteractions stand out for their attention to detail. These must be fine-tuned and polished constantly to work surprisingly well each time.
Show System Status to Keep User Informed:
Constantly deliver feedback to the user by keeping the user informed of the progress. In line with the heuristic principle, this drives engagement and also doesn’t leave the user curious as to what’s happening. 
Use a human voice:
Conversational tone works best and therefore your content should be human and the copy should match the human emotion. The comfortable and lighthearted human voice helps to keep users engaged.
Microinteractions are small but they can make or break your design to make the net product feel high-quality and well-designed.