Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Decorate Your Study Room With An Ergonomic Makeover

Study room should be decorated in a way that reflects the individuality and enables the user to be productive and comfortable. With the academic year is in full swing and it’s time for children to dig deep into their books. Allocating a special study room for your kid gives her/ him a space to study and be more organized. We explore some great design ideas to decorate your study room with an ergonomic makeover.

Ergonomic Chair:
While your young ones puts in long hours of study or having fun playing games, they require support to help maintain a natural spine posture. Ergonomic student chairs offer sufficient support to the lumbar muscles and ensure that your child does not stoop or slouch during prolong hours of study.

Adequate Storage:
Children have many requirements for individual items and supplies therefore a study room with abundant storage space is always preferred. Make the most of a wall with long wall-mounted bookshelves and lots of storage cubicles for books and accessories.

Natural Light:
A fundamental requirement in a study room is abundance of natural light that enhances efficiency of your child. Not only does it lead to substantial energy savings but also allows for fresh air that is a must for your kid.

Study rooms are a place to study but they need not be boring! Go creative with walls and play with vibrant bright colours. Playful wallpapers make for an enjoyable study room. Also adding a cork wood makes things lively by serving as your notice board and also makes you look more sophisticated.

 Personalize the Study Room:
If the room is small it is always better to go minimalist however you can always find ways to personalize your room with an inspirational poster, collage, handmade decoration to add the bit of your flair and personality.

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